Getting Through Your Divorce and on With Your Life

Getting Through Your Divorce and on With Your Life

  • Don't Let Workers' Comp Fraud Preconceptions Trip You Up

    Almost everyone has heard that workers' compensation insurance is rife with fraud. Usually, this involves a worker who claimed to be hurt on the job faking an injury or illness to collect benefits. Unfortunately, the bad press about these fakers has caused the insurers to scrutinize legitimately hurt workers even more. In some cases, workers who need and deserve benefits are denied benefits and accused of not being as badly hurt as they claim.

2025© Getting Through Your Divorce and on With Your Life
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Getting Through Your Divorce and on With Your Life

Going through a divorce? I know how you might feel – alone, stressed out, and probably even a little sad due to the loss of the life you have always known. Whether you have children or not, you might even feel a little guilty about the break down of your relationship. But I'm here to tell you that a divorce is not the end of the world. In fact, once you get used to the idea and start to move on with your life, you may find just as much, if not more, happiness than you ever had while you were married! Getting through the proceedings of your divorce in a dignified manner is the first step, and hopefully this website will give you the insight, support, and motivation you need to get through the process as painlessly as possible.
