Celina Henry
You may have recently applied for social security disability benefits, and can think of a million reasons why your case should be approved. However, the people making the decisions about your case have a number of reasons why they may not approve your benefits. Here are five reasons why your claim for social security benefits may be denied, and what you should do if that happens.
Your disability isn't severe enough
If your disability isn't likely to last at least 12 months, or isn't severe enough to result in your eventual death, your claim could be denied. The type of disability that you have must also prevent you from being able to do the type of work that you did before becoming disabled. If you are likely to recover from your disability in less than a year, and you can still work, your claim is likely to be denied.
On the other hand, if your disability falls under a group of medical conditions listed in the Compassionate Allowances program, your claim could not only be approved, but it could be approved more quickly than if you had a different type of disability. Compassionate Allowances are in place to provide benefits swiftly for people with severe or terminal disabilities such as acute forms of cancer or other severe illnesses. Your social security disability lawyer can help you determine whether your disability falls into this category, and your claim may be approved more quickly.
You don't follow prescribed therapies
If it's suspected that you aren't doing everything in your power to recover from your disability, your claim could be denied. This means that if your doctor prescribes therapies or treatments to you, and you fail to follow through with them without a valid, acceptable reason, your claim could be denied. Acceptable reasons include not being able to afford the treatment, or being physically incapable of undertaking the treatment.
It's important to discuss any problems you may have with undertaking your treatments with your doctor or disability lawyer, so that they can help ensure that you are not denied benefits unfairly.
You earn too much money
If you are still earning money while disabled, your claim for benefits could be denied. The amount you are allowed to earn while receiving social security disability benefits is $1070 per month, or $1800 for blind people. If you earn more than this, your benefits could be denied. Not sure if your income is considered earned income? Your social security lawyer can help you determine if you meet the earnings requirement for receiving benefits.
Your disability is based on an addiction to drugs or alcohol
The Social Security Administration will not approve disability claims where the disability is based on an addiction to drugs or alcohol. One of the primary factors that they consider when looking at your disability is whether you would still be disabled if you stopped using drugs or alcohol. If the answer is "no", your claim is likely to be denied. If you are disabled and also have a drug or alcohol addiction, speak to your social security physician or social security lawyer about your case to determine if you may still be eligible, especially if your disability is not related to your addiction.
You incurred your disability while committing a crime
If you became disabled while committing a crime or being involved in criminal activity, your claim could be denied. Also, if you are injured or become disabled while in prison, your claim is likely to be denied.
If your claim for social security disability benefits is denied for any reason, click here to investigate or contact your social security disability lawyer as soon as possible. You must appeal the decision within 60 days of receiving your decision letter from the Social Security Administration, and your attorney can help you make sure that you have everything you need in order to appeal.
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